Business to Business Applications

When designing applications that people will use as part of their job I've found there is a different set of challenges and opportunities. While you can expect that the user will invest more time understranding the interface which allows you to make a more dense UI you are also aware that if you deliver a poor user experience you can really have a negative impact on people's lives.

Below are three examples of applications that I designed.


Catalog Metrics
An application that shows catalog publishers how each product perform versus how much it cost to print.

A view of how pages compare to eachother in terms of sales.

A view of an individual product with its performance data compared to how much it cost to print.

Detailed look at the individual product view.

Custom Product Creator
An application to superimpose highly realistic custom letters on pre-shot product images.

The set up page used to place the customization, fonts, etc.

A view of the multiple transparent layers that will make up the image.

Crew Chief
A fleet telematic application for employees of shipping companies to monitor the activity of drivers and the health of the vehicles.

The overview page showing alerts and key metrics across the whole fleet.

The activity log for an individual vehicle.

Analysis of collected data.

A vehicle profile page.

An abbreviated dashboard version that will be installed in an adinistrator's vehicle.

An abbreviated dashboard version that will be installed in an adinistrator's vehicle.